Salinas Small Business COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

If you are a small business these are the suggestions/recommendations that SUBA is making It is important for you to contact the following:
- Contact IRS -In writing to request an extension on payroll taxes with waiver of interest and penalties
- Contact EDD – In writing to request a 60 extension on payroll taxes with waiver of interest and penalties (this program is in place but you must request the extension in writing)
- California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) – Request for relief of interest or penalties, request an extension for filing your sales tax return in writing
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
Return Analysis Unit, MIC 35
PO Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279-0035
–SUBA is suggesting that small businesses should contact their landlord and request a moratorium on your lease, negotiate/add the months to the end of your lease. (This is a suggestion and each circumstance and relationship with the landlord/property management company is different.) Additionally, this may not work or be good for your situation. (There is no guarantee this will work or be of assistance to your needs.)
-Small businesses must check insurance policy and/or get a copy of their insurance policy. SUBA is suggesting that you contact your insurance broker/company/agent to find out if your policy is covered for interruption of service, product loss and loss of revenue.
–SUBA is recommending that small businesses should contact all their creditors/vendors – let them know every step you have taken to try and minimize costs and ask for extensions on payments due to this pandemic crisis. (This may or may not be something that is needed by each business and as a business owner you should make that determination.)
–SUBA is suggesting that small businesses with Liquor Licenses may want to contact ABC and let them know that you have requested an extension with your Sales Tax and you have requested this extension from CDFTA and that you have requested an extension of time to pay your alcohol distributors/vendors. (If this is the case for your business.)
-The Small Business Administration is giving emergency loans if you qualify at 3.75%. Contact your local SBA office.
PG&E will not disconnect for nonpayment during this crisis.
Monterey County COVID-19 Economic Impact Survey
The Monterey County Emergency Operations Center is conducting a survey to get a better understanding of the impacts of COIVD-19 on the local economy in Monterey County. This information is pertinent for the county to qualify for Small Business Administration assistance. All for profit, local businesses should complete this survey as soon as possible, for faster qualification. For questions, email Luna Mohammad at
Encuesta De Impacto Económico Del COVID-19
El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia del Condado de Monterey está llevando a cabo una encuesta para comprender mejor los impactos de COIVD-19 en la economía local en el Condado de Monterey. Esta información es pertinente para que el condado califique para recibir asistencia de la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas. Todas empresas locales con fines de lucros deben completar esta encuesta lo antes posible, para una calificación más rápida. Para preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a Luna Mohammad a